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LOGGER: Ilse Akerbey 
REEL NUMBER: #4 & 5 of 7
STAGE: Alaska Workshop 
DATE: 7/6/84 
PRESENTOR: Susan Levitas/ Bob McCarl
GROUP NAME: Alaskan Occupations
REGION/STYLE: Alaskan Loggers- Native traditions

Bob McCarl - presentor
Ted Larsen - logger
Art Brooks - logger
Vernon Eliason - logger
"Porky" Oliver Bicker


1. Ted tells of practical joke with extinct volcano
2. Art tells joke
 tells of machinery
3. Ted tells of hos sleds are made.
4. & Art
5. Verne tells of 6 German tanks used as sleds.
6. Art tells of springboards
7. tells of fellow falling off tree.
8. Verne tells story of asparagus.
9. Story about Joe Dimulls and the cook - "Porky" Bricker
10. Joe and his brother-inlaw go to town - "Porky"
11. Early Logging Camps - Art
12. Deaths on the jobs - Art & "Porky"
13. Getting experience on jobs - "Porky"
14. Hit by stump story - Ted
15. Newcomers learning from "near min" stories
16. Moose Hunting story - "Porky"