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LOGGER: Maranne Smith
STAGE: Mela Performance
DATE: 6/27/85 
PRESENTOR: Nazir Jairozbhoy
GROUP NAME: Ordtha [[best guess]] Dancers

[[2 Columned Table]]
|Performer(s)| |Instrument/Occupation|
|7 Dancers|3-|

CONTENTS Commentary - Bali Songs - morrage 
1. Twelves yrs here passed criticisms of In-Laws  
2. If you want to see my lilt - Silver bell
3. Eyes are so bewitching 
4. Young men - give beautiful patches
5. Churi - veil  I can peek through then 
6. Jogi - snake charmer- girl's lover 
7. Veil is flying in rich men's house - imagine marriage   
8. Husband gone for 12 yrs- Complains married to short men
9. Girl sad- doesn't want to return to in-laws - husband ugly 
10. Complains cover her face but still can show jewelry 
11. Mother-in-Law gave earring but what for
12. Husband is Jhot (former) when asleep beat him - scare him
13. Bride says to mother-in-law I'd like her 
14. Veil on face- 
15. Dreams of time alone with husband-   
16. Bride says jewels from parents but husband gave 1 necklace  
17. Thinks of monsoon weather - does not want to return to in-laws
18. Sing to snake charmer - see beloved 's face reflected unloved
19. Come on girls lets all dance together

Transcription Notes:
Most of the Punctuation is a little off, if I might have miswritten or misinterpreted a word or phrase, please notify me at this email:, Thank you for your time Sebastian Castro, 11th Grade Bartram Trail Highschool ------------------------------------------------- Hi, your transcription is alright. About everything on the document seems to match what you transcribed. This document seems done and can be sent for review.