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LOGGER: Becky Gilmore
REEL NUMBER: #2 - side A
STAGE: Cultural Conservation
DATE: 6/26/86
PRESENTOR: Gerri Johnson
GROUP NAME: Rag Rug Weavers
REGION/STYLE: Maryland / Garrett County Allegheny County

| Mary Brenneman |   |
| Irene Miller |   |
| Anna Loar |   |
| Julie Loar |   |


1. Presentor - introduced performers - how did They learn rag rug weaving?
2. Anna - first experiences w/ loom
3. Mary - learned from aunt
4. Irene - rug made out of plastic bread wrappers
5. Julia - weaving in the family - doesn't do actually weaving rugs have to be of same material (all cotton, all polyester, etc.)
6. Mary - talked about her daughters and granddaughters learning how to weave
7. Presentor - described two rugs - one of ties, one of funeral ribbons
8. Anna - types of materials used for rugs - cotton she likes
9. Mary - corduroy a favorite material
10. Irene - knits
11. [[strikethrough]]Julia[[/strikethrough]] Anna - how deal w/ customers - homemade rugs more durable 
12. Julia - putting the warp on
13. Mary - custom made rugs - not much on consignment - problem w/ rags
14. Irene - take orders from customers - does most cutting during winter so rags are ready
15. how rug making has changed. Anna prices have changed
[[in margin]] changed reel side B [[/in margin]]
16. Julia - size of rugs has gotten smaller
17. Anna - materials have changed 18. Mary - colors have toned down
19. Irene et al - why she weaves