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LOGGER: Martha Keiger
STAGE: Cultural Conservation Narrative
DATE: 07/04/86
PRESENTOR: Sally Peterson
GROUP NAME: Hmong Crafts:Preserving Cultural Heritage
REGION/STYLE:Philadelphia & Detroit Hmong
Pang Xiong
Mai Vong
Bao Yang
Yen Chang
Xai Kao Xiong

1. Mai Vong - Why do you do [pandao]Traditional needle work "flower cloth"? It is important to carry on tradition.
2. Philadelphia Hmong Community very concerned about continuing tradition.
Began apprenticeship programs for young girls. Etiquette taught along with craft. 
3. Reads from notebook from this program(Mai Vong).
4. Pang Xiong - How did you learn the craft? How is this different from the way it is being taught now? In the old days it was taught from 3 yrs old. To be a proper Hmong lady you have to be able to do needlework, and you should wear it. [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] Her mother was green Hmong group(tradition embroidered batik dark dress) her father was of white Hmong subdivision.(white pleated dress)
6. Needlework Items were exchanged as gifts among families, & between families
7. New Years Holiday important. Occasion for sports, matchmaking(w/go-betweens).
(3-day event)chaperoned meeting of young people
8. Demonstration of special New Year Game between boy & girl. The loser must either forfeit a piece of clothing or sing a song. 
Note breathing & total quality of song/language. Song is a recent song. talks about being in U.S.
10. A song of a girl after a marriage has been contracted. Talks of leaving home & starting a new life.  
11. Xai Kao Xiong - had 5 wives - 6 girls 8 boys. Sorry he can't speak English. Is happy to be here to show about keeping Hmong culture. Important to learn American culture, but must keep Hmong culture. 
12. This is not the first time Hmong have been a minority. Migrated from China to Laos and now to U.S. (Have encountered political difficulties from dominant culture.)
13.Questions: Where are they from?; Difference between green & white Hmong dress.; Tiny stitches are admired when worn by maker; Significance of proper Hmong Costume
Hmong colors: like bright colors, red, black, blue, green; diff. between colors worn by young & old, younger wear bright colors. Silver jewelry (worn 24 hrs/day;
Wealth displayed by what is worn-jewelry; Turban worn by older woman; Coins(French) from time of colonization of Laos. Different colors are used for American market (to please American tastes & sense of color coordination.