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LOGGER: Gregwood
REEL NUMBER: 3A STAGE: [[strikethrough]] Jay Orr [[/strikethrough]] Tennessee Talk
DATE: 7-5-86 PRESENTOR: Jay Orr
GROUP NAME: History of Rockabilly
Paul Burlison   guitar
Stan Kesler   bass
J.M. Van Eaton   drums
Smoochy Smith   piano
Marcus Van Storey   guitar, harmonica
Sonny Burgess guitar, harmonica

1. Stan: talks about first recording for Sun: "Lonely Sweetheart"
2. J.M.: Sun Records experience; "Crazy Ar  
3. Smoochy: talks about being with Carl Perkins and then joining another group with "Love, Love". ca. 1956.  
4. Marcus
5. Sonny: talks about Pacers group and recording session right after Elvis' debut.
6. Paul: amplifier that was faulty contributed to his popular sound in 1956
7. Stan: talks about Sam Phillips, of Sun Records, and his echo effect for recording
8. J.M: shuffle sound from Dixieland
9. Smoochy: boogie-style piano learned from gospel music
10. Marcus: experimentation of fiddle sounds with postcard; slap, double slap, triple slap; bull fiddle playing
11. Sonny: vocal style influenced by Jimmy Reed, Big Joe Turner
12. question: Smoochy talks about unique style of lying on floor to play piano  
13. - Stan talks about mikes in recording process, acoustics
Paul - recording sessions in circle
Stan - stories about drummers playing on boxes instead of drums 
Smoochy - bottle caps in bag even used for percussion
J.M. - wallet taped on drum head for different sound
14. Live appearances discussed
i.e. Porky's, a restaurant/club