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LOGGER: AndrĂ¡s Goldinger
STAGE: C.C. Plaza
PRESENTOR: Charlie Camp
GROUP NAME: Forum: Home Language + Mother Tongue

[[ 2 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- |
| Fay Chiang (translator fieldworker, NYC) | Yvonne Lockwood (folklorist fieldworker) |
| May King Troy. (cook, Rockville MD) | Gus Pietela (ski, sleigh, vol maker) Bruce Crossing MI |
| Gum Wong Troy (laundry, Rockville MD) | Anna Lassila (rag rug weaver, Pasty maker Mohawk M1) |

Side A 
1. presentor introduction 
2. MK Troy: immigration to America (1947), acclimation to neighborhood, learning English, lack of English lang. schooling in China, birth of children (5), kids use of English vs Chinese at home.
3. success of kids, grandkids speak English vs. Chinese classes
4. C. Camp: one generation change - learning English vs community classes to preserve
5. G.W. Troy: native Cantonese vs. Learning Mandarin to communicate w/ customers [[strikethrough]] more [[/strikethrough]] increased use of Mandarin, kids, language use
6. G. Pietela: amount of Finnish used at home, youngsters understand but speak little
7. use of Finn amongst. older generation. 
8. Anna Lassila: during school days + home, all Finn. use of Finnish, now: elders dying.
9. 2nd Generation taught at home, college, Finn. church services, community use: some business
10. Yvonne Lockwood: [[strikethrough]] use [[strikethrough]] distribution of Finn. population in Upper Mich Peninsula
11. history of Finnish in colleges, learning in the community 4th generation wants to learn Finn 
12. use of Finnglish
13. G.W Troy -
Fay Chiang - use of Chinese at home, pre school, [[strikethrough]] ker [[/strikethrough]] lose at school age, then regain at college; Chinese school in Chinatown age discrepancy
questions - ethnicity not attached so much to language (Lockwood) vs other parts of the world 
how do you identify someone's background-language, religion
"hyphenated American" concept.

Transcription Notes:
Per SI instructions removed lines + and aligned to the left side, other corrections