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Logger's Sheet 

Logger: Sandra Richardson
Reel Number: 2A
Stage: Cultural Conservation - Marketplace
Date: 7-05-87
Presentor: Charlie Camp
Subject: Sidewalk Markets & Vendors

| Performer(s) | Instrument/Occupation 
| Danny Chang | Arabber (New York) 
| Chan Shek Yu | New East Broadway (NY, NY) (Market) 
| Yung-Ching Yeh | Arabber (New York) 


1. Intro of Participants
2. Mr. Yeh talks about how he started his business
3. Mr. Yu talks about how he started his business
4. Mr. Yu tells how he arranges his produce for display
5. Mr. Yu interprets for Mr. Chang saying, "He stopped being an arrabber to become a flower salesman.
6. The participants explain how they feel about working as arabbers vs. store keeper
7. Mr. Chang tells what his problems are with his business in New York
8. Person from audience asks a question about whether or not there are programs to teach foreigners English to better accommodate their customers
10. Person from Audience asks a question about whether he makes more money now (per hour) then he did with his job as a chef
11. A deaf person signs a question
12. Closing remarks!