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LOGGER: L. Ramsdell
STAGE: Mich. Talk
DATE: 6/28/87
PRESENTOR: Yvonne Lockwood
GROUP NAME: Sit Down Strike in Flint

Bud Simons | Fisher Body #1,
Nellie Simons | Womens Aux/Emory,
Burt Christianson | Fisher Plant #2
Shirly Foster | Teacher
Fred Ahern | Fisher Plant #2

1. YL - Background of strike + its importance. Intro of speakers.
2. Bud S - FDR on unions. Splitting into crafts. John L Lewis + CIO. Necessity of secrecy - org. underground union. Plans for strike made. Firing of Perkins
3. Boys triggering strike. Return of Perkins's - back to work. Plans continued to strike 
4. two plants. Firing of 2 inspectors triggered Fisher 2 strike - then Fisher 1.
5. FA - disc. of working conditions. Quantity not quality stressed. Oppressive foremen. Paper stressing right to negotiate. YL - explanation of "sit down" - occupying 
6. factory. Character of speakers. Bud S - conditions. YL - personal stories.
7. NS - hired AC spark plugs 15 cents hr. Fired for attending union meeting. Asked to help organize meeting.
8. Beginning of strike - org womens aux to fix food, support strikers families - (Change Tape 1A-1B) 
9. Women at plant 4 + 9. Women breaking windows to let gas out. Women linking arms at gate to keep goons/police out. Song "Solidarity". YL - Flint as Company town.
10. BC - first experiences on job. 35 cents hr. SF - women in community, political factions, ethic groups, vandalism, B.C. Blacks in the plant after 1945,
11. F.A. - Police Attacks; conditions in Plant, wages, - 20 cents per hour, Plant Protection
12. N.S. - Food and Kitchens YL and Burt - Sound Cars for Publicity, Nellie overall support Bud - ethnic groups Nellie - Baloney and Coffee Shirley - sound cars and Ruther Broth.
13. YL. Thanks and conclusion Larry - introduction of River Lore