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Logger's Sheet 

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Logger: Skye Morrison
Reel Number: 7.     Stage: AFS
Date: 6/23/1988   Presentor: Timothy Lloyd
Group name: "Crossing the Line: Folk Artist- Folklorist"  
Region/Style:  [[this line blank]]

Performer (s)                Instrument/Occupation

-Howard Sacks: (sociologist, Gambier Ohio)  [[note in left margin - guitar]]
-Alan Jabbour: (folklorist, Washington, D.C.)  [[note in left margin - fiddle]]
-Stephen Wade: (musician, Washington D.C.)  [[note in left margin - banjo]]
Timothy Lloyd: Presentor (folklorist, Columbus Ohio).  
1. Introduction: Participants and title "Crossing the Line"
2. Instrumental Tunes: Two Tunes "Versions of Liza Jane"
TL: "The line: revival musicians what are their place?"
3. SW: Comments: asks A.J. to tell him.
4. AJ: Where he learned violin instead of cello: classical. Folk music interest developed in Graduate School
5. Answer: Ambiguous - A folk artist & a scholar
6. HS: Dotted relationship the [[the line?]] Folk boom of 60's 
7. music as an a vocation - sociologist - community & music can interrelate as well as with neighbors. 
8. experience softens the line
9. SW: Introduces Teacher's banjo : wrote a story and was able to then play the banjo after his teacher died 
10. Plays tune: " [[  left blank   ]]  " and talks the story.
11. TL: Bimusicality: a notion from ethnomusicology.
Why does this go in and out of fashion?
12. AJ: 20 years ago anxiety about professionalism. 
13. debate about revivalism misses the point of how someone learns and what it means to be one
TL: Can you speak to collaboration? 
AJ: Howard and his musical friends as example. 
HS: Tells story of how he met musicians in Ohio and how these people got involved with festivals. 
TL: First encounter with music as significant 
What was teaching/ learning situation?