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LOGGER: Lori Taylor/AndrĂ¡s Goldinger
REEL NUMBER: 6/9  STAGE: AFS Centennial 
DATE: 7/1/88  PRESENTOR: Charles Camp
GROUP NAME: "Folklore As A Helping Profession"

[[2 column table]]

|Bob McCarl =|Folklorist, Boise, Idaho|
|Lynn Martin -|Folklorist, Honolulu, Hawaii|
|Chuck Perdue -|Folklorist, Charlottesville, Virginia|
|Nan Perdue -|Folklorist, Charlottesville, Virginia

1. C.C. - general intros
2. B. Mc - working relationships w/community - S. Carolina brown bag efforts
3. C.P. - 500 families removed from Shenandoah Nat. Park in 30's - oral history [[crossed out]] [[?]] [[\crossed out]] give these people access - remove stereotypes - lots needs to be done.
4. N.P. - "helping" [[crossed out]] source [[\crossed out]] advocate position  can be arrogant stance -> 
5. let people speak for themselves - stereotypes of Shenandoah peoples - traditions used against them - to put them down -
6. L.M. - position in public agency - means you are there to help - dealing w/
7. trad.  musicians - recording, craftsman - helping [[crossed out]] as [[\crossed out]] them get access to trade materials.
8. C.C. are more folklorists better - balanced of rights of community
9. B. Mc - Study of D.C. firefighters - wanted to work w/first female fighter - too politically difficult
10. C.P. - preventing black [[crossed out]] song [[\crossed out]] gospel group - at festivals - [[crossed out]] wants [[\crossed out]] better off if they couldn't return
12. C.C. - photo of C.C. & Amish girl [[crossed out]] with [[\crossed out]] listening to Walkman - in closed community - presentition in exhibit limited - later smallpox outbreak - inoculated - create dialog a/or health dept of community - "boundaries" - help or hurt
Audience question
C.C. - dialog w/in culturally aware climate
L.M. - traditional material don't translate to public venue.
Souped up shows - what is a dramatization - even at festivals
B. Mc - fine line b/w entertainment; explortation - theatrics, efforts