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LOGGER: Lori Taylor
DATE 7/2/1988        PRESENTOR: Charlie Camp
GROUP NAME: Public Service and Public Responsibility
Richard March (St.folklorist- Madison, Wisconsin)
Bob McCar[[crossed-out]] [[Carl]] [[crossed-out]] (St.folklorist- Boise, Idaho)
Joe Hickerson (archivist- Archive of Folk Culture- Wash, DC)

1. Intro-
2. [[crossed-out]] [[P]] [[crossed-out]] JH- Archive of Folk Culture- 60 yrs yesterday
3. CC- to what extent is keeping the archive a public service? 
4. JH- having it and having it accessible is first step.
then serving it back into the stream. 
5. BMcC- making collections accessible- what is neededtodo so. 
6. CC- Necessary to reform attitudes of fellow workers as well as public? 
7. RM- raise consciousness of different kinds of [[out]].
And take folklore beyond strict definitions.
8. BMcC- basic NEA grants to states need to be divided better with
folk arts rather than forcing folk arts to apply for separate grants.
9. RM-
JH- Archive of minority folk culture? Yes & No. He doesn't and hasn't 
found any need to define it closely. They help those people who come 
with questions believing answers to be in the Archive.
11. BMcC- mediation between political orientation & members of community.
12. JH- examples of taking materials to public? 
formerly (when he was in grad school) emphasis on scholarship,
13. peers as audience. In Archive it is an open door, public service.
Example of return- Federal Cyl[[crossed-out]] [[i]] [[crossed-out]]nder Project.