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2/ Try, to search for your hearts and you will find, if you have not have in your heart, you cannot find happiness, give out love & it will radiate back to you. I know where of I speak, many a times, I have walked like on cloudes, and that was prayers send up for me, of others, that I have tryed to help & cheer. Your Father & Mother should be the dearest ones on this earth, but its the spirit of the world today, the parents means nothing, know nothing. I felt different, I didn't think anybody was quite so grand & wonderful as my parents, specialy my Mother. Harold always spoke so reverent of his Mother, she was the most precious soul, before we were married, I always said to myself he would make a good husband, because he is so good to his Mother, always use to send her things, so did I, wrote home always, never even waited for answers,