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Fri 6 May 60

Dear Mother - 
Happy day to you, and to celebrate the event and enclosing 2 surprises for you - an international magazine in which I'm represented & a newspaper from Claremont in which there is a mention of me too.  Look on page 60 of magazine & page 3 of the paper.  Things are really beginning to move and to top it all off I got an invitation from New York to show 1 or 2 paintings in a national show of "Purist paintings" which will travel for a year starting in Oct 1960.

No I'm not working too hard - I've hardly begun to live.  I want to expand & really paint.

I have yet to receive any money from sale or prize but it surely will help to cover expenses which seem to be getting bigger all the time.  But they don't worry me for I've taken care of them up to now.

Now to get this off for you.