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For THE NATIONAL CYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY- James T. White & Co., Publishers, New York -2- WHITNEY, G.V. under James E. Fraser in New York. After taking a course at the Art Students' League, New York, she went to Paris and continued her studies under Andrew O'Connor. Among the more notable of her designs may be mentioned the bas reliefs in the house of William B. Osgood Field in Lenox, Mass.; the Aztec Fountain in the Pan-American Building at Washington, D.C.; a fountain designed for the New Arlington Hotel in Washington, which was awarded honorable mention at the Paris Salon of 1913, and the bronze medal at the Panama-Pacific Exhibition in San Francisco, 1915; the El Dorado Fountain at San Francisco; the Titanic Memorial to be erected in Washington, D.C.; the trophy entitled "Victory" for the U.S. Asiatic Fleet, and a fountain for the new Colony Club in New York city. In 1907 Mrs. Whitney was awarded the prize offered by the Architectural League, and in 1914 the prize offered by the Association of Women Painters and Sculptors. Her compositions are invariably stamped with dignity and intelligence. As her talent progresses her work is less emotional and more fundamental, or as Mr. Frederick J. Gregg, the critic, has expressed it "Whether her idea is big or little, you always get the impression that, in essentials,
Transcription Notes:
the first word "later" on prev. page