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For THE NATIONAL CYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY - James T. White & Co., Publishers, New York -3- WHITNEY, G.V. she has derived it from life, through her own consciousness and her own convictions." If Mrs. Whitney had never done anything herself, as a sculptor, she would have left her mark indelibly in art in America. Always an enthusiastic devotee of artistic expression, she has been deeply interested in the success and advancement of students in design, oil, water color, pastel and plastic. She has given encouragement and inspiration to workers in these media through competitive exhibitions at her New York studio and by offering prizes for superior original productions. That her thoroughly magnanimous motives are highly appreciated is shown by the large number of studies sent in and by the prominence of the artists and sculptors who are pleased to act on her committees of award. Soon after the beginning of the European war in 1914, she established and maintained at Juilly, France, a hospital for wounded soldiers, known as the Ambulance Americaine Hospital B, containing 225 beds, and directed by a staff of twenty-five physicians, surgeons, and nurses. She is a member of the American Federation of Arts; the Association of Women Painters and
Transcription Notes:
1st word "essentials," on prev. pg.
Looks good