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of this humanitarian work.  Upon America's advent among the warring nations, the hospital was enlarged and continued until hostilities ceased.  The war, leaving its mark upon all classes and conditions of men, inevitably had a significant effect upon all artistic conception and expression.  To Mrs. Whitney's work it gave its great opportunity, and the impressions and reactions of five months in the war zone, in the trenches and in the hospitals resulted in an impressive array of figures, which one critic, in an appreciative article, described as not having "yielded to the temptation to beautify, nor yet to sentimentalize".  Her war subjects include "The Doughboy", a panel for the Victory Arch in New York City; a public monument, "The Spirit of the Red Cross", in Washington, D.C. (a replica of which is to be placed in the Musel de l'Armee, in Paris); "His Bunkie", a two figure piece expressive of the brotherhood born of strife; "Blinded", a staggering soldier, sightless, suggestive of the ecstasy of sacrifice, "Chateau Thierry", 

Transcription Notes:
pencil underline