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WHITNEY, GERTRUDE V............9 a single figure that in its resolute lines carries the power which made that conflict everlastingly memorable; "Home Again", the meeting of soldier and beloved; "Orders", a solitary soldier reading a document that represents the call of duty at the front; "Honorably discharged", a crippled soldier limping on a crutch; "The Engineer", "The Aviator", and "Private of the Fifteenth", the last named, a colored soldier in full equipment at salute. Richard Fletcher, the noted art critic of the "London Graphic", says in part, in a review of Mrs. Whitney's works as exhibited in the McLean Gallery in the Haymarket, London: "Her reputation rests on a sound basis, inasmuch as her technique is beyond criticism. Her exhibition consists of two ideas. One, her earlier works, shows the influence of Rodin. These statues are real and poignant, decorative, as only good taste can decorate, and with tenacious quality which comes from this woman's vision of life and history. In her second phase I believe that her figures of American soldiers reveal