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WHITNEY. -11- "Caryatid," purchased for the Metropolitan Museum; "Spanish Peasant," also owned by the Metropolitan Museum; "Wherefore," a seated figure bowed as though overwhelmed by the burden of life; purchased by the Art Institute of Chicago; a memorial to H. B. Durgea; and a bronze placque of Walter Damrosch which was presented to that distinguished musician by his admirers. The State of Wyoming has commissioned Mrs. Whitney to make a memorial statue of Colonel William F. Cody, famous as "Buffalo Bill," in memory of the famous scout on what would have been his seventy-fifty birthday had he survived. It is to be erected in the town of Cody, built by him and named in his honor. Her own experiences in the field of sculpture and the intensity of her artistic feeling have made her a most valuable and discriminating patron of the arts whether the medium of expression be sculpture, painting, literature, or music. In 1920-21 she made up a collection of paintings by representative American artists and exhibited