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WHITNEY -14- As an artist who has made a definite and worthy contribution to American art and who has given the inspiration of convincing, often purely beautiful, sculpture to her fellows, Mrs. Whitney has gained the appreciation and admiration that talent alone can command. It must not be thought that only approval and acclaim have come to her. Unfavorable criticism has of course been encountered lack of of understanding of her purpose, disapproval of her bold technique, questioning of the depth of her artistic inspiration. To these she has paid such attention as their constructive value warranted, and has continued the work to which she early addressed herself. Not as the daughter of a proud and princely wealthy family, not as a social leader, not as the wife of a noted sportsman, but as Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, worker with her hands, her mind and her soul in clay, marble, and bronze, she has placed her name on the roll of America's sons and daughters who have spoken a true message to the world. Leonce