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1915 September Exhibition for architects at studio - Friends of the Young Artists series - competition in designs for a mausoleum.


1915 New York Times Nov.24
"It was announced today that the Foreign Office gold medal had been bestowed upon Mrs Harry Payne Whitney, founder of the hospital for the wounded at Juilly, and that it had been dispatched to the United States and would be presented to her by Ambassador Jusserand."

December Titanic Head exhibited at Gorham Galleries, large marble

1916 January First of a series of loan exhibition of paintings.

February First exhibition of Mrs Whitney's own work at studio - twenty-six pieces.

August Exhibition at Newport - Art Ass'n of Newport.
Mrs W's sculpture

1916 Exhibition - San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts
Aztec Fountain
Spanish Peasant
Portrait Head (McAdams)
and others.

1917 January First (?) exhibition of "To Whom shall I go for my portrait?" marked contemporary artists

January Arturo Giovanitti's play "As it was in the Beginning" produced at the Gaiety Theatre, New York. Setting for third act designed by Mrs Whitney