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1922 Commission to execute memorial to Buffalo Bill, for Cody, Wyoming
Bronzes In the Trenches exhibited also known as The Engineer
[[strikeout]] The Puddler [[/strikeout]]

Waldorf Astoria Roof
Society of Independent

George Honorary Degree - M.A. New York University.
The Nun - Stone
The Law Stone
Damrosch plaque presented in Festival at Carnegie Hall, bronze designed and executed by GVW

1923 Exhibition Wildenstein Galleries
Chinoise exhibited in Inaugural Exhibition of Baltimore Museum of Art.
Jane Delano Memorial designed - contract drawn in 1924 fee $50,000.00. Committee had difficulties with Fine Arts Commission
1924 BuffaloBill
Award of Honor Spring Salon Paris 
On exhibition in Central Park New York
Unveiled Cody, Wyoming July 4th

Model for St Nazaire finished in November.
First correspondence regarding the D.A.R. Memorial - June
Honorary degree M.A. Tufts College