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startled because I just love that painting because I think it makes me look terrific. So it is hopeless. There's no way that I can reconcile that on that level anymore than I can on any other level. The best way to deal with it is to not even talk about it. And we've been dealing with it for twenty minutes.
EY: I feel that in your earlier paintings, the way you present yourself and the contents of your image, it's a little more angry.
MM: Angry?
EY: And in your later paintings, you are more at ease and resigned.
MM: Which ones?
EY: In The Studio, and Family Portrait.
MM: Oh, well, I don't consider that angry. A lot of people have told me that I look angry and I've been told by [[strikethrough]]anyone[[/strikethrough]] strangers on the street and in elevators, [[strikethrough]] whom I don't even know,[[/strikethrough]] 'Cheer up.' I think when I look intense, I tend to look angry. But I wasn't angry.
EY: The collage, in particular, in The Studio, which was also pretty humorous, but I sense some kind of distaste possibly with the gallery and exhibition situation.
MM: Which one?
EY: In the collage.
MM: Really? That was long before I really had problems with them. I don't know, because I am a strong believer in the un-conscious, and [[strikethrough]]to an extent,[[/strikethrough]] intuition, and since most of the collage elements were chosen first from a visual point of view, and then for literary content, its possible that things were happening that I didn't even know about. I was surprised When I read some of the things yesterday. I haven't seen [[strikethrough]]that[[/strikethrough]] those two paintings for fourteen years, which is partly why I sent them out, because I wanted to see them. They've been in the warehouse for a long time. Maybe not that long, but certainly a long time. I was not aware, for example of all the references to being a woman, because I'm certainly not a feminist in the active sense of belonging to groups [[strikethrough]]or any of that stuff[[/strikethrough]]. But there were enourmous amounts