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In 1962-3 I received a Fullbright grant to France and travelled extensively in Greece the summer before it started and lived in Delphi for a month. A painting I did there is in the Newark Museum collection. During the period of the grant I lived outside of Paris and worked a great deal and also took short trips to Spain, Holland, Greece, Italy,etc.. Paintings produced during the fourteen months I was in Europe were exhibited the following year at the Alan Gallery.

While Charles Alan was impeccably honest, he did not believe in publicity and I was too stupid to realize that it was my responsibility as well, so the neat package of attention I had arrived with was pretty much dissipated by 1966 and sales were sparse both in New York and in Provincetown where I exhibited regularly in the summer until the 80's.

While I have exhibited at various galleries throughout the country in the last thirty years my finances have been borderline. From 1964 to the present I have also earned money as a visiting artist. Those jobs, of course have been drastically curtailed in the last ten years.

In 1975 I had a one person exhibit at the Everson Museum in Syracuse, encompassing five years of work. In 1984 there was a twenty five year retrospective at the Canton Art Institute. My most recent one person show was at the Benton Gallery in Southampton in 1986 and I have shown in group shows since.

In 1988 I became a substitute teacher in the public schools out of financial desparation. Although I had several visiting jobs as well this has become my main source of income and carries an emotional and physical toll that makes seeking representation very difficult, and painting only slightly less so.

At the present time I am unable to replenish the materials needed to continue painting. While things have been very difficult the last few years, I was able to keep minimally solvent. The cutbacks recently in the schools, however, seem to have caused many retired teachers and aspiring teachers to substitute and therefore there has been a huge drop in jobs so far this term.

While I am trying to maintain my equilibrium in order to function creatively and personally, I cannot avoid the reality of circumstances worsening. I have no marketable skills except those apparently not of value at this time.

A grant from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation last year was, of course, helpful but a major part went to medical and dental expenses.