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[[note]] 1918 [[/note]]

Saturday 19th
G.H.Q. [[strikethrough]] Guards Division [[/strikethrough]]
c/o Major A.N. Lee
B.E.F. France

I have just got your two letters - it is too bad about Saroyan -
After about 10 days at Headquarters, spent principally in motoring about in many directions, I came on here to the H.Q. of the Guard Division and am staying with General Fielding who is delightful and does all he can to help me to get the right sort of thing to paint. And the best of it is that Towles, who was dispatched to Ypres where we boarded, and who seemed lost beyond recovery, has turned up here and has been made welcome & is likely to stay & do his pictures on his atrocities for it. We share a sort of iron tube to sleep in, a dug-out, and are very crowded but very comfortable. & we go out on the warpath in our several motors. I don't know what will happen when the officer - whose dug out we are in returns from leave - there is absolutely no other room - but we will try to [[strikethrough]] first [[\strikethrough]] stick to this neighborhood for a time at least. I was down a few use[?], but only of percentage known of horses & [?]. It is very hard to do anything really significant of warfare. Orpan really does really well considering & I feel that I should be in for the same public verdict as he was -