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August 11, 1871.
a fair way of being broken up? In Germany and in Switzerland, expecially, meetings are being held for he purpose of establishing a Reform - a going back tot he original State of the Church as it was (not perhaps in the Apostles' days, but) in the early times, when the laity had a voice in the election of the Superior Clergy and in the Government of the Church. How far the movement will be carried, on can't say, but that it will be the beginning of a Reform seems quite certain.

I saw yesterday that the Pope had been expressing his surprise and regret that Bismark should have done any thing against the Church; but he consoles himself with saying that God first blinds those who he wishes to destroy. How many thousands of persons have within the last year, spplied that same proverb to the Pope! There is something ludicrous in the old gentleman's tirades against all who do not agree with him.
[[editing marks]] "My son John" is off on a sketching tour with an Artist friend, amongst the lakes and mountains of Tyrol. He writes that they are amusing themselves trout-fishing when the weather does not permit of their painting. He says he caught eight fine trout the other day, but that a cat ran off with two of the largest of the lot. The trout streams and the lakes in this part of the Tyrol are very beautiful.

I hope that you will be able to make your contemplated visit to N. England, during the summer. I am glad to hear too that you and Gorham are not to be distrubed this year. Give my love to all. I sent a long letter to Emily last week, to the care of Tom.
Mary and the children (i.e. Emily) send their love
Very affectionately
F.W. Sargent.