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[[top margin]] In wrong place
Probably 1871 
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No.2 Wiener Strasse, 
Dresden,Nov.11 1874

You see that we have come to Dresden to spend the winter. Our chief, or only, inducement to come here was to put our boy - now almost, if not quite, as tall as his daddy, - at a good German School. He expect to be admitted about Easter - when the school year begins, and in the meantime is working under a couple of the teachers of the Gymnasium to prepare himself for the examination and to increase his knowledge of the German language. 

The greater accuracy of instruction and the wider range, at a German Gymnasium (which corresponds in the extent of the educational course, to that of most of our Colleges,) is to me very striking, as compared with French, Italian and English or American schools, and I am (or rather, if we get on through the winter comfortably, I shall be) very glad we came here on the boy's account. As yet the weather has been on the whole not unpleasant. We have had some ice - not thick, but no rain, nor snow. We hear that the winters are sometimes "very cold"; but all this depends upon what constitutes "very cold", and we shall have to judge of this for ourselves. Meantime we are all as well as usual, and although the Autumn has been considerably colder than we have been used to in France or Italy, it has not hurt us. 

I am delighted with the election news from New York and elsewhere. If "Tammany" could be killed and sent to pot for ever what a blessed thing it would be. But Tammany is too much like the spirit which, after having been "cast out" went and took seven other devils worse than himself, and so produced a very bad state of things on his return to his old quarters. However it will be encouraging to have succeeded even for a time in ridding the world, and N. York in particular, of such a nuisance.

I hope that you and your wife and Pa are all well, as also the other members of the family not living with you. Give our best