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Chateau d'Oex, Switzerland,
August 20, 1877 or 1878.

wise she is pretty well. John is still at Cancale, on the cost of Brittany - the famous Oyster garden of France, - where he has been all the month of June and July and up to this day - for I suppose he left Cancale this morning, or will do so this evening, for Paris, prior to spending a short time with us, before going into his winter campaign at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. He has been very well all summer, and has been busy in making drawings and sketches of the fishermen and fisherwomen, for pictures. We hope to see him in the course of a week.#Violet has been very well all summer, and has been elongating herself out of all her clothes: she is just now suffering more or less every day from tooth-ache, affecting one of her first teeth, which I don't like to extract lest she may thereby find her jaw grow too small for the teeth wh. are to come in course of time, if she lives.
I hope that you are well, and that you have not suffered too much from the anxious nursing which you have performed. I hope, too, that your boys are well and doing well.
What a time our Country has been going through with these late R.R. "Strikes"! It is melancholy that the men engaged, or their leaders, did not reflect that it was a poor way to benefit themselves, that of destroying millions of dollars worth of property and paralyzing the business of the country! Just at a moment, too, when business seemed to be reawaking after a two or three years sleep!
Mary and Emily send their best love, and I am always your affectionate brother

F.W. Sargent.