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Gallery - Georgetown
F I N E  A R T
Canal Square
1054 31st Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20007
(202) 994-2310
FAX (202) 342-0973

Floyd Coleman

Price List

Woman  $950.00 dollars
DWB  $800.00 dollars
Remembering the 1960's  $1,200.00 dollars
DC Man I  $900.00 dollars
DC Man II [red dot] $900.00 dollars
Southern Memories I  $800.00 dollars
Africa, the South  $900.00 dollars
Southern Memories II  $1,400.00 dollars
Man  $1,000.00 dollars
Reflections [red dot}  $800.00 dollars
Homage to Africa  $1,800.00 dollars
Portrait to the artist as Senior Citizen  $1000.00
Girl  $900.00 dollars
Keep hope Alive  $900.00 dollars
African Mask [red dot]  $1,000.00 dollars
Dancing Figure  $900.00 dollars
Dancer  $1,800.00 dollars
Shango Worshipper  $1,500.00 dollars
Portrait of a Woman  $800.00 dollars
Figures in Landscape  $1,500.00 dollars
Brave New World  $1,200.00 dollars

Transcription Notes:
This is good