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It's hard But It's Fair

The most widely discussed subject in the United States today seems to be how we can improve race relations ad reduce poverty and crime, especially among inhabitants of the so-called Negro "ghettos". being an American Negro myself, I am naturally disturbed by the many recent flares-up between white and colored Americans.

As a solution I am leaning more and more toward the idea that the only positive way to do away permanently with this national disgrace in the human situation, is to bring about the physical destruction of all Negro ghettos in the United States. But I hasten to add not by unlawful mob vioence which has occured recently in Watts, Bedford Stuyvesant, Harlem, etc. but by a well-planned, legal operation executed by steam shovel, bull-dozer, and wrecking cranes, these places never to be rebuilt as negro ghettos; for if such ghattos are allowed to continue they will surely destroy our Negro Americans and when there people are destroyed so will be the United States of America as a nation worthy of that name.

Physical destruction of negro ghettos ay sound preposterous to most white as well as negro Americans at this time, but not if they consider the destruction of rotting buildings and the sordid atmosphere of slums as a necessary preliminary to the saving of human lives.  As negros grow in understanding, education, and intelligence in general, along with the rest of mankind, the more they will resists being restricted as to where they may reside in a"free country". As a result, far too many of these colored people compelled to live in ghettos grow resentful and the hateful of whites who force them into such squalid surroundings, and to whom they must, in most cases, look for gainful employment. All too often, they have, through their ghetto breeding, developed a negative attitude toward sheer good manner, honest endeavor, and discipline, and are consequently judged to be "unemployable", and thus unable to earn a living.