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Mir got Telgram her Uncle has passed away She left that night 11.35 for Omaha. I went to B.C. station with her then home

Monday 1 Mild, Raining
New Year's Day Went out and phoned people not to come for party also. Mme Ho Sent air letter to Mir Went up to C.R. in eve played cards (whist) back home 12 mn

Tuesday 2 Clear Windy Cold
Went town Got hair cut Then down to H.F. Got home from E.S.B To fix Sent air letter to Mir. Went up to R.F.L in eve made [[??]] and chess

Wednesday 3 Cloudy Cold
Took frame to H.F in E.S.B Nice letter from Mir enroute to Omaha wrote to Lady Por. & Rena

January 1945

11 Cloudy Cold
Thursday 4
Went down to 50 ST 5C10 called up M Karff about picture also Wilson, no news

Friday 5 Fair cold
down to H.F. left shoe for repair. Went to C.C.A.V. tea Big crowd note from Lady P. wrote to Mir

Saturday 6 Clear very cold
letter from Helen J wrote to her and mailed letter to Mir up town to 135 at lecture Lady P. didn't come no news from Mir to day
