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Sunday 14 
Snowing 2 hour up at 9 went out for paper, nice birthday card from Mir in Minn. Minn.

Monday 15 
P Cloudy Mild Down to 23rd St Paid insurance, got card for Ann's baby Birthday gift came from Mir also post card from her

Tuesday 16 
sleeting & how Down to H.F. money from Mir but no letter Down to J.D. in P.M. He came in eve.[?] Letter from  Mar. B about Rosenwald

Wednesday 17
Clear, Cold, Down to gave got fish plenty snow on the streets. Up town in P.M. to play chess but nobody home wrote letter to Mir


Thursday 18 Fair Pretty Cold nice note from, Jay Pride S[smudge] down to Macys got shirt socks and tie nice letter from Mir sent letter to Mir Joe came in P.M. up to C.R. in eve

Friday 19
Fair Cold
Down to H.F. took cigarets w Jar dine got fish for lunch. Margeret came in P.M. wrote to Mar B.

Saturday 20
Fair Cold out to buy food. Then home all day painting, CR came in eve then I went up to his shack [[??]] Pekino and refreshments home at 2. a.m
