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Sunday 11 Fair mild Did'nt [[Didn't]] go into street all day Nugent went went back to Beach.

Monday 12 Lincoln's Birthday
Fair mild I went to lin. at Commodore Hotel Rene Came in eve 

Tuesday 13 Snow sleet Down to pay insurance then to H.F, market & home Wilson came in PM up to CR for Clue in car got home late 4 AM

Wednesday 14 Snow sleet Down to get fish and to H.F met Mir and Nu-q. at Carl Lanset St sub


Thursday 15 Cloudy sleet looked for sugar found none Down to Canal st. got lumber for picture frame 

Friday 16  
Fair milder Down to HF. no news of importance

Saturday 17 
Cloudy snow  Looked for sugar and meat found meat but no sugar Down town got new Miter-box and frame move-  ding Mir went up town to lecture in afternoon.
