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Am going to buy my bus ticket on Mon. on my way home from Dr. Richman to save time on Fri


Gave Ms. Mizer our keys & summer address

Chinese restaurant on 86th St. for dinner. Nothing ventured, nothing gained - and it's so easy [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] not to do something.

I got my jury duty notice back from the court house, and I have to go for a personal appearance anyway, altho' they said that service [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] was not required at this time, so I'll go down on Monday a.m. and tell them I won't be available until Nov. Better I go now than if I get a notice in the summer.

Didn't buy a mango - they looked awful. Got some coffee ice cream instead.

And dont worry! if I find I can't do it Fri - I'll do it Sun. so expect me when you see me.


[[left margin]] P.S. Save all the N.Y. Times. I haven't been buying them. [[/left margin]]