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April 24, 1978

[[note]] Maria FYI  all reports will be made from N.Y. from now on [[/note]]

909 NORTH ST. 

Mr. Andre Emmerich
Andre Emmerich Gallery
41 East 57th Street
New York, N.Y. 10022

Dear Mr. Emmerich:

Bob would like to ask that as of now all his dealers conform to sending a quarterly report of sales and stock, like the enclosed sample, so that he has a clear picture of his inventory at all times for easy reference. It would be very helpful if out inventory number (as underlined in red) is listed for each work. Please be sure to include who works are sold to for our records, and when work is sent to shows or consigned outside the gallery. From time to time we may request that slides be taken of work in your gallery.

To make the 1978 records complete for our accountant, please send a report of current stock, and sales since January 1, for both the New York and Zurich galleries. Statements will then be expected at the end of June, September and December. [[note]] Max, Martha, an additional activity! [[/note]]

Bob mentioned that among some recent bills was a charge for Lebron making a pick-up of his work the gallery. Perhaps this slipped in as he has an understanding with all his dealers that they pay for transportation to and from the gallery. [[note]] alas, Martha we can't deduct the Lebron charges [[/note]]

Thank you very much for helping us in these bookkeeping matters. If there are any questions please call.

Warm regards from Bob.


Betty Fiske

Betty Fiske 

[[note]] see attached March 31 inventory [[/note]]