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and enjoyed the attactive [[attractive]] views of the harbor.

Arriving at St. Ives and having no conveyance at the station to meet the train, left our baggage
there and set off on foot to hunt for lodgings. They could not accomadate [[accommodate]] us at the first place, but reccommened [[recommended]] a place a few doors further on, where we were comfortably settled.

St. Ives is the most picturesque place, I have ever been in. The fishermen look like old characters from a book. I love it's quaint
stone buildings and narrow alleys with here and there stone stairs and it's rock bound coast.

June 17, 1908.
After travelling the peacefulness of the fishing village is very restful.

June 24, 1908
Wednesday we took a twenty-two mile coach ride of four hours to the Lizard, a huge head land which
really resembles a collossul [[colossal]] lizard crawling into
the sea.

I was suprised [[surprised]] at the nice old Inn the coach