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old street called the Shambles, where the houses lean with age, and went by a little store called, The Old Curiosity Shop and the very quaint building, St. Williams College. The Cathedral looked superb standing up against the clear night sky.

August 9, 1908. 
Sunday morning we went to the Cathedral to attend the service, but were to late. The service is conducted in the choir, which is divided from the nave by a screen, after service has begun no visitors are admitted. So we stayed outside in the nave and listened to the organ, which was soft and mellow. It was rather cold being shut out that way, but the music was very inspiring. We found that no one is allowed to go through the Cathedral on Sunday and were very sorry to have to miss it, as we were leaving in the afternoon.

Later in the day we walked a short distance around the city wall and spent a lovely hour among the ruins of St. Mary's Abbey. The gateman at the Abbey told us no visitors were allowed on Sundays, but finding were leaving in a short time, said we might pass in as members. The ruins are charming and we