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I am getting more used to life in New York because by degrees I am meeting more of my old friends and going around more; but even at its best I dislike New York and am always longing for the country. Your mother is going to send me word when the first black ice forms in Orange Lake and then I am going up for a few days. She is awfully good and kind and you don't know how fond I am of her
Good bye Sweetheart
With all my love

Dec 5. 1906

My Darling Girl
In your last letter you didn't say whether you were feeling all right again and I am so anxious to know but I presume you are all well because you didn't mention being sick. I am so glad you liked my picture taken with mother. I forget just how I old I was but it seems a very long time ago.

Such cold whether I never saw. The thermometer dropped way down the other night in a very short time and it did seem so bitter and pitiless. I was over