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effect. They have one thing there that is remarkable. There are mermaids that rise up right out of the water and then go down again. They rise out of what is supposed to be the sea in front of a seaport town. When they first come up they sing a sort of love song and about twenty men on shore dive in and don't come up again. It is all very wonderful.

I have been longing so for you all day and I was very glad when a letter came from you this morning because every one I get gives me the greatest amount of joy I always ask for mail in the mornings when I get down to the studio building and this morning there was none so I was a little disappointed because I rather expected a letter from you but when I came up from lunch I found a letter from you under my door and was so glad. I am so glad that you don't find Texas monotonous and that you 

Transcription Notes:
NOTE: I Transcribed the right-hand page first. Text reads continuously from end of right page into left page.