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The International Council at
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
(São Paulo and Europe)

Critical reviews
Page 18

5. Hamburg, Germany showing (Continued)
From: Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, Hannover, July 27, 1958 by 
Dr. Rudolph Lange
(Daily, independent, circulation 115,000)

As this photograph intimates, Jackson Pollock impresses you as a very serious, ever pondering sort of man. His look is alert, searching, searching, penetrating. When looking at his paintings, especially at Full Fathom Five, The Deep or Guardians of the Secret, one is reminded of those questioning eyes which seem to pierce man and things.
The most impressive of these canvases make you think of views through impenetrable thickets of virgin wood. Painting One conveys the impression of a colored chart of the sky. The White Cockatoo should be counted among the most attractive works of this kind, where red, white and blue glow in a musical, rhythmical swing above a brown background. Some paintings are geared to a black and white effect only, just as many of his drawings. Amazing to observe the way Pollock has developed a sort of hieroglyphic writing of his own from the use of stains. Striking, too, that almost all of his pictures have distinctive characteristics. There is hardly any conformity at all. In his last works...Pollock returned to painting with brush and palette and to surrealistic forms. To be sure, these pictures have a highly decorative effect, but they are much more than merely decorative. They reflect something of the restlessness of a man who stands at the threshold of the cosmic age and who departs from the wide spaces of his homeland beyond the ocean into the yet wider spaces of imagination reaching out for the stars.
Jackson Pollock is dead, and already there are numbers of small Pollocks in all countries who are transforming the new [art] he brought us into a fad of the day. But may that be as it is - Pollock's achievement remains untouched by them.