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At a meeting of the Council of the National Academy of Design, a corporation chartered by the State of New York, regularly called and held at the office of the Academy, #175 West 109th Street, New York City, on the fourth day of December, 1916., the following resolution, duly seconded, was adopted;

WHEREAS, Henry W. Ranger, deceased, left a Last Will dated January 1914, in which William Macbeth and Charles Henry Phelps are names as Executors and in which the entire residuary estate is left to the National Academy of Design for the purposes therein specified; and 

WHEREAS, the probate of said will is contested by by the decedent's sister, Edith F. Ranger, and it is necessary that a defense be interposed to such contest;

RESOLVED: That th National Academy of Design hereby authorizes and requests Mr. Macbeth and Mr. Phelps, so named as Executors, to defend said will against contest and for that purpose to employ such attorneys and counsel as they may deem proper, and that the National Academy of Design will hold itself responsible for the fees of such attorneys and counsel and for the costs and disbursements incident to such defense. 

RESOLVED: That the Secretary furnish a certified copy of this preamble and resolution to Mr. Macbeth and Mr. Phelps. 

Harry W. Watrous