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December 22, 1916.

Estate of Henry W. Ranger.


Mrs. Kittson stated that she was an old friend of both Mr. and Mrs. Ranger and had lived in the same studio building for a number of years; knew them intimately and had been present at nearly all of Mr. Ranger's entertainments and had entertained both him and his wife in her home. She said that Mr. Ranger was a man of very strong mentality, clear judgement, and good business capacity, and that she did not know of any one in her acquaintance who impressed her as more competent and capable, and that such would be the view of all the friends and business associates of Mr. Ranger. She said that Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rucker, who have a studio in the same building, had met Mr. Ranger through her and been invited to some of his entertainments; that they were not close friends of his. She said that Mrs. Rucker being a clubwoman, had met Mr. Ranger's sister in some club association, and having heard the sister's story had made remarks that she thought Mr. Ranger had been very unjust to his sister, or something to that effect, mentioning in this connection the division of the estate of their father. Mrs. Kittson told Mrs. Rucker that she was evidently misinformed about this.

Mrs. Kittson says that Mary and Margaret, the two servants, would be more apt than anyone else, to know what, if any, provision Mr. Ranger made for his sister and in what way he did it. Mary, particularly, she thought, would know more of the details, if she could be induced to talk freely.

Mrs. Kittson said that she had never seen the sister at any of Mr. Ranger's entertainments, or in his studio, and to her knowledge the sister had not been in the studio