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friday night

dear ilah;

thank you so much for the money he said one month later but never the less i did appreciate it very much and i wish to take [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] this oportuninty to thank you. and also i made two little pictures one for you and one for betty and framed them and everything and planned to have them in new york for christmas but like everything they are still here. we had to move to a new and brand new photo lab and they got lost in the shuffle and didnt turn up until yesterday when a soldier boy i.e. a buddy, found them in a trunk with his personal effects. so i remarked its a small world and took them back and shall dispatch them to you very shortly. all of the surprise has been taken away from them but then so [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] has christmas. i have a dreadful sore throat as the result of doing k.p. all night last night. do you remember that day i left new york and i couldnt say goodbye very well. its very embarrassing when i think of it and i hope that you dont remember it very long or have all ready forgotton it. life here isnt so bad its just that life in new york with jeanne and painting is so much better. here [[strikethrough]] i [[/strikethrough]] at the new lab things are very fine. i live here with annother boy and we have a room to share. i can assure you that it is infinitly better than a barracks of 60. i can read late at night as i have bed lamp and also we have a radio and radiators and a fireman to keep the furnace going. also i can paint late into the night and the other night i made three, i have about twelve ready to send. one night