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well but the thinking mind tires of it their are more wonderful adventures open to it.

Yes dear it would be so good to see you over here next year, & great to have an old time sketching party. It would do the maestro the world of good for he's not been at all the same since his illness. We were only talking about such a possibility a week or so back to cheer him up. Lets hope for it anyway I might even be able to get there myself.

Labour got in my dear because of our boredom of the conservative party. Labour has the progressive men as also the Liberal (which I voted for) we would all I think have liked Churchill but one had to have his party with him. Now Labour getting in with such a huge majority has to stand on its own feet, with no one to help & stands or falls alone - a good thing. The earth & what it contains such as coal & gold ect belongs to everyone & not a few, also the world progresses towards the