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from us & one should probe deeper ever.  For it's meaning that before we die we may have found a little truth.  It is the same with art.  I refuse to be taken in by the western conception of life & endevour to keep my inner life the greatest part of me.  How wonderful it is to be able to receive.  The westerner has choked himself with materialism & seems only able to receive that, but I feel soon that he'll get such a belly ach that he may spew it all up, this will be the greatest blessing he will then turn to the East his tired eyes & be able to receive a little of their mystism & spirituality & thoughts, I can only write as I think & its not very personal, but dear I often think of you & pray that your gallary may succeed.  Am told in France gallerys are poppping up like mushroom. Their are many more here too; but I cannot get interested in them.  It would give me the greatest kick is one day without you knowing I could just walk into your gallary, but what a hope, still the pennyless also dream.
Your friend says the work is very advanced I wonder what this means in truth.  Truth advances slowly in one straight line with no brake, now modern art has broken away from this line.  The last persons on this line of truth were Cezamne & Van Gogh