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1 Wandon Rd S.W.6  London.

Feb 2nd 65

Darling Betts
Have posted you by ordinary mail the Sunday Times supplement of Churchill.  You may have seen it all but then again you may find something of interest.
I went down to Westminster Hall very early on the last day Friday.  Had no intention of going, but looked out of my window around 6 am,.  It was a frozen sight snowing, east wind, I thought on such a day hardly anyone will go, so now's the time to do it.  I was right.  I joined the queue at Lambeth Bridge this side & we walked quickly in fours to the door of Westminster Hall & then slowed up.  I did the whole thing in 3 hr, from getting off the bus to getting on again for home.  By then the weather was clearing a bit it had stopped snowing but of course bitterly cold so the crowds began again.  Will Churchill was not there.