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Le Royal
212 Bould. Raspail0
Paris (14e) 
Tel. Danton {69-20 69-21
Teleg Royhot 52 Paris [[/letterhead]]

Dearest Betty 

One could think fate is doing it to us on purpose. We have our tickets on Ile de France leaving here the 21 Aug. 
Today Sunday 12- I wonder if I’ll have a glimpse of you before we leave? This trip all in all was satisfactory. 

My worries about family - have changed from - enormous - vaguely apprehended monsters into, after all - manageable large beasts. The only trouble is that they have a way of their own of multiplying indefinitely. As for work - I definitely made a step, I like to believe, ahead towards new clarity. widened horizons.- What a sorry, impossible world this one would be - if we would 

[[left margin]] My best to W? [[Hipinson?]] She is the beautiful blonde who came with you to dinner once.