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PARIS (14e.)
TÉLÉG. ROYHOT 52 PARIS [[/letterhead]]

My darling Betty
I met by chance Day Schnabel on the boulevard, and she told me about your father - once again I was not with you! not that I could have meant or helped much but a bit of extra affection couldn't have been unwelcome.
I haven't written lately because I was plunged up to my ears in other people's troubles. so many and so pathetic it's indecent to talk about. Neither Saul or I are prepared or able to cope with the variety of responsibilities showered upon us All I seem to know how to do is to become ill - which

I did - possibly it was all in the mind but this idea did not make it any pleasanter to bear I was ill for 3 weeks fortunately Fred proved himself an angel and continues to do so.

My mother is flying over from Hafta any moment now (she finally has all she needs to do so) - so I was unable to go with Saul (he left yesterday) to England. There is the congress of architects there - continuation from Bergamo two years ago (where we went, remember?)

Saul is very stimulated stimulating } these days - He worked much - and so did I. Watercolours and black and whites as Betty told me to. I wish I could see you very soon

Transcription Notes:
Day Schnabel - sculptor Saul - Saul Steinberg, Sterne's husband