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Immortal Friendship
As God is ever-presence, our truest friend is never absent. The flittering shadows of sense in no way affect this eternal verity of Soul. Mortals may come, and mortals may go, but the true man reflects God forever. And so true friendship exists forever. A dear one is not necessarily here when he or she is personally present; nor is a friend seperated from us by his or her personal absence. Human loss and seporation are the falling petals of the transient blossom whose fading out points to the fruitage which is [?irrepreshable?] and spiritual. Friendship and true relationship exists not in mortal mind or in[[strikethrough]] finite [[strikethrough]] the flesh; they are not the fruits of human personality; but they obtain in spite of personality, as evidence and proof of principle. The sun shines, not by reason of the cloud, but in spite of it.
Jesus said: If I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you." Here the master teaches plainly that consolation comes not from any personal presence, and that even the most Christly person must give place before the dawning of the consciousness of the Comforter that shall abide; namely the Christ. principle. A friend is a friend only in so far as he or she represents Principle instead of self; and such a friend can never be absent; for to use the Master's words: "Though he were dead, yet shall he live". The immortality of true friendship is attested in that no human circumstance, condition, or relationship can affect it.