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read and abide by these three rules and would, by so doing, daily protect themselves. For instance in the Rule for Motives and Acts - in the last sentence Mrs Eddy says "The members of this church should daily watch and pray to be delivered from all evil, etc. He said this was most important where she said all evil. then in the Article Alertness to Duty P. 42, Manual, 'It shall be the duty of every member of this church - to defend himself daily against aggressive mental suggestion and not be made to forget nor neglect his duty to God, to his leader, and to mankind.

It was a grand lecture for me for aggressive mental suggestions do keep me from doing the daily work I should and want to do.

He said you and I should leave our periodicals and start at the Beginning of S. & H. again and read it through. I start and will and have often gotten almost through but have never finished it although I've read the entire thing separately. He said Mrs Eddy takes God as the principle and on each page are set forward rules by which to use the principle and that if we'll read looking for and marking the rules we will gain much more. So I will try to do it and I hope you will, too. He is a student of Mr. Hitchcock's and in the same office with him. He seems to be a very consecrated worker, is a reader in the First Church here and I think you'll like him. 

I asked him finally what he felt about the pin and he said

Transcription Notes:
Mrs Eddy - Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science - quotes are from her writings