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(Copy) Anderson S.C. Feby 13" 1866 Dr. J.A. Barksdale Dear Sir: - Yours of the 9th inst is before me, and agreeably to your request I will answer; you ask me to make a statement in relation to the girl Isabella, and also if I did not hear and decide the case. I will have to say that the girl made her statement and you made yours, I was satisfied that nothing serious had taken place, and should have sent her back to your house the same day, had she not treated me with so much contempt, but on her refusal to answer my questions I put her in jail for about (12) twelve hours. She then told me that she had done wrong and would go back and behave herself and I did not know but what she had gone back until I saw you the next day. I will further state that I had been called on (and did send Supt. Hanks) to correct the girl for her idleness & insolence. With regard to any undue influence being brought to bear upon this matter, I can say that I decided the case according to equity & justice and am now of the same opinion as then held, and if any reflection is cast upon my action and the course pursued I am ready & willing to testify to the facts here asserted. I am Sir very respectfully Your obt. Servant J.E. Ashe Lt. Co. C 1st Bat Maine Vols